My Top Five Ways to Get Injured

Here's a list of my top five ways to get injured.These have climbed their way to the top on the basis of my experiences in the past few months.Needless to say, I've learnt it the hard way.

Number 5: Spilling a plastic cup of piping hot tea on yourself while trying to express yourself animatedly on some issue.

Number 4: Traveling in a rickety Maruti Omni at the speed of 100 kmph driven by an insane driver credited with having overturned a truck at break-neck speed.Surviving right-angled turns at top-speed.

Number 3:Rushing to class in another building 50 metres away with just seconds to spare , a heap of bricks and mortar lying strewn along the way and groups of students relaxing on the stairs.

Number 2: Absent-mindedly opening the aluminium door to an electrified cabin.

Number 1:Falling off a camel's back.Decidedly No.1 on my list.

This post is dedicated to all my colleagues who have been with me through the last six months and will surely vote for my top five ways to get injured. If you guys have any more to share,please do so, I'm eager to read about them.

Yours Randomly,

p.s. no.6 on my list was having to do an online course 14 times in a row, and in the process, almost becoming a patient to the carpal tunnel syndrome.


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