Parting Ways...

When we set out on a journey, we meet several people on our way, interact with them for as long as the meeting lasts and then carry on ,on our respective paths. These days, one is too pre-occupied with one's own concerns to smile at a fellow passenger and strike up a conversation.One needs to be wary, in these times of terrorism and criminal behaviour breeding everywhere, of even sharing a cup of tea with a stranger sitting next to you on a train.No one's sure of another's intentions any more.

What surprise then, that even at work, people do not step out of a self-created border?

Coming to myself. I have grown up in the little North-eastern town of Shillong,where everyone is friendly with everyone else,where people smile and nod at virtual strangers they meet on their way,where doors can be left unlocked for the entire day with nothing amiss, where helpfulness is a way of life, where you can talk for hours with an absolute stranger without inhibition..... get the idea?

Imagine what this small-town girl felt when she found herself in a Metro. Interacting with people freely,honestly sharing ideas,with not an iota of idea about their intentions, I was like a naive fool groping my way through the crowded multitude of Kolkata and Delhi.Little did I realise then that the people I'd be so honest with, were never equally honest with me. They sometimes had vested interests in mind or had some of their own intentions while interacting with me.They'd cosy up to me,seem to be true buddies for life, only to extract something out of me, and then turn a deaf ear when I needed them.Many a time was I shocked awake into bitter reality.People seemed to believe only in use-and-throw relationships. Going from Kolkata to Delhi was like stepping from the cauldron into fire. Can't say I've come out of it ,unscathed, unhurt.I have grown in experience, though.

Life wasn't all that bleak, however.It surely never is. Even amidst all this growing up, I did meet some people who didn't let me drown in disillusionment. These were the rare people I met on this journey of life who were frank, open, uninhibited in their expressions,warm-hearted and generous. Rare, and enough to help me survive.

Even today, when I know I am surrounded by people who think honesty, commitment, gratitude and helpfulness are all obsolete concepts, fit to be buried and forgotten,I jump for joy when I meet people who still swear by these so-called obsolete virtues. I develop an instant bonding with people who speak their mind,take up responsibilities eagerly, are positive, generous and respect others for what they are. I learn from my interaction with them,how to deal with this big,bad, world. It is said that nothing in the world is completely black or white, it's all in shades of grey. These rare individuals I have met in the journey of my life,are the streaks of white that lighten the darkness in the world, for me.

I have been fortunate to find good people , such streaks of white, wherever I've gone, till date. I'm delighted to strike up enriching relationships with them and imbibe positive virtues from them before we part ways and move on. Parting ways with such people leaves me with a heavy heart even as a prayer escapes my lips,a prayer for them to remain the way they are...untouched by the guiles of the world.Thank God for such people !

Yours Randomly


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