What's in a Name?

Once again, a lot of unnecessary hue and cry over a name.No sooner was the Bandra-Worli sea link christened after former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, than waves of criticism lashed out against the announcement.
Newspapers carried articles on the issue while news channels held debates on whether a certain political dynasty was going too far by naming every other construction in the country after its family members.The internet too,saw umpteen forums and blog posts dedicated to the issue.
I really do not want to dip my finger into this messy pie (long gone stale). What struck me as a refreshing view on this non-issue, however,was my little son's candid remark while he watched some pro-Savarkar political leaders airing their views. In the most matter-of fact manner, my wise seven-yr old asks, " Mom,if China can have a "Great Wall of China", why can't we have a "Great Sea Link of India"? Why do we have to name it after someone?"
I was at a loss for words. Well, have any answers, anyone?

For a read of the article you may visit:
and for a peep into a forum on the topic visit: http://qna.indiatimes.com/index.php?ref=permalinkquestion&question_id=91395


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