Beware of Corporate Smoothtalk!

First, they dangle a juicy carrot before your eyes ... lofty ideals,brave,new plans,an enticing vision, a wonderfully satisfying job with an even more satisfying paypacket.You look up their credentials.Their website is overflowing with awards and certificates and what have can you resist?

As it is you're stressed out with your current job and are looking for a change. It seems like God Himself just offered you a divine feast on a silver platter.

The efficient smoothtalking Corporate world just embraces you with open arms. Even if in a far corner of the brain, a little voice sings "Will you walk into my parlour, said the spider to the fly..." you ignore it completely.

Very soon you're in it. Stuck in the Corporate web. The journey that began in the clouds , crisp business attire,lectures on business etiquette, ...a lifestyle pulsating with a "work hard, party harder" very little time dipped lower and lower sending warning signals of an imminent nosedive into the deep dead sea,and all you get around you is long winding diplomatic sentences which lead to nowhere.

There's an extremely overworked Human Resources Department who are more interested in the resources(read paperwork and numbers) than humans.Trying to balance the management's strict orders with the employee's expectations has them gasping for breath. Then you have the Finance Deptt. who understand deduction much better than addition. A re-imbursement request takes ages to be acted upon and not without reminders , while a contribution or tax-deduction mail is replied to with alacrity. Plus there are the various managers at different levels who skilfully master the Corporate art of Chicanery.

So, the job which began as a dream and swiftly turned into a sore ache without a now over. And so is my experience with the Corporate world. You want me to describe how it feels? How would you feel stepping out of a sleeper class train that has been running aimlessly for 17 months? How would you feel journeying up a hill that's full of brambles and bushes for months and then, just as the peak comes into view, getting to know that you needn't journey further anymore? How would you feel waking up from a frustratingly long delusion?

The Corporate smoothtalkers have answers to every query. They have numbers to show,graphs and statistics to prove their statements. You'll know just how big the lie is when you hear the evidence that comes with it. And more important, the bigger and juicier the carrot....stay away from it!

So my a wise fly.Watch out for the schemimg spider inviting you to his sparkling parlour.


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