Growing Up!

IndiBlogger - The Indian Blogger Community

All around me little kids are growing up
Mouthing words I never knew existed
Making gestures I scarce can understand

All around me little people are growing up
Throwing caution to the winds they laugh with glee
Pushing the line of decorum they gladly stand

All around me young minds are growing up
Thinking at such speed my mind can't keep pace with
Working out things I couldn't in my brightest of moments have planned

All around me the world is growing up
In ways I hope to some day comprehend
Simple thoughts are getting complicated by each minute
Perceptions and personalities clash at every bend

Some would say what you call growing up
Is how, with time, people change right before your eyes
Growing up should mean maturing into someone better
Or transforming into someone else or becoming more wise

Growing up for me however
Does not fit into a set paradigm
Aging but maybe not maturing
Life's experiences moulding us over time

So why do I stand and complain about kids growing up beyond my control?
About people not keeping within the limits of sensibility
Age automatically is supposed to nudge them into?

This is how generations grow out of one way of thinking into another
What's proved perfectly right for some was once taboo
Ah! All around me the world is growing up
And I've got loads of keeping up to do.


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